
Time: 13:10~16:00, Thursday
Location: NCKU CSIE Rooms 4264 and 4261
Lecturer: Wei-Ta Chu (Office 65B08, NCKU CSIE Building)
Textbook: Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 4th edition, Pearson, 2020.
Course website: http://mmcv.csie.ncku.edu.tw/~wtchu/courses/2024f_AI


  • Five homework assignments (40%): including programing, writing report, and short video
  • One exam (30%)
  • One final Project (30%): including project proposal, project implementation, writing report, and oral presentation


Weeks Content Notes
9/12 Introduction, Intelligent Agents
9/19 Intelligent Agents hw1公布 (Project分組、主題方向制定)
9/26 Solving Problems by Searching
10/3 Search in Complex Environments hw1繳交、hw2公布
10/10 國慶日放假
10/17 Search in Complex Environments
10/24 Quantifying Uncertainty hw2繳交、hw3公布(Project期中報告)
10/31 Learning from Examples
11/7 Learning from Examples hw3繳交, hw4公布
11/14 Learning Probabilistic Models
11/21 Learning Probabilistic Models hw4繳交, hw5公布(final project short video)
11/28 Deep Learning
12/5 Final Exam (同時段同步考試)
12/12 Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing hw5繳交
12/19 Computer Vision
12/26 Final project報告 (優選團隊、線上線下同步報告)
1/2 彈性學習(TBA)
1/9 彈性學習(TBA)